Sunday, March 24, 2024

Inbox Inspiration: March 13, 2024: Prayers 1-12

 March 13, 2024

 Prayers – 1

A Lenten Prayer


Dear Friends,

Today begins a series of Inbox Inspirations entitled Prayers. These columns will not be about prayer. They will, instead, be prayers that we might find helpful. These will not be the ordinary prayers that all of us know, like the Our Father or Hail Mary. They and many others constitute a wonderful part of our Catholic/Christian treasury. For the most part, the prayers being offered in these columns will be rather contemporary or some in our tradition that we do not often pray. I hope that they will nourish our relationship with God. Today we begin with A Lenten Prayer.      


A Lenten Prayer


Dear God,

During these weeks of Lent, I want to remember, 

first, that I am already your “beloved.”

I believe that the gospel passage for the Second Sunday of Lent 

is very important.

We hear you, our heavenly Father, speak of Jesus: 

“This is my beloved Son.”  

Well, you have spoken those same words to me and to each of us:

 “You are my beloved daughter.” “You are my beloved son.”

You, our heavenly parent, speak these words to each of us 

when we are first conceived and given life.

You repeat these words again to each of us 

who is given life through baptism. 


Loving God, you really want me to remember this,

maybe especially during Lent.

We are encouraged to do some more prayer,

some fasting from food, and some charitable acts 

in this season that is called penitential.

But, loving God, I think all of this  

is not to merit or be worthy of your love. 

Your love is already here, for me and all of us.

Jesus has assured us of this, and I take him at his word.


So, anything I do during Lent, good God,

is just my effort 

to grow as your son or daughter.

It’s my trying to live more fully out of this 

friendship with you. 

So, I thank you for this gift of yourself, 

the gift of your love for me and us.

And now I will live in the peace and joy

of this friendship 

and try to be the best friend to you that I can be. 


I pray with trust in you,

our heavenly Parent, 

in your Son Jesus, 

and in your Holy Spirit. 




Fr. Michael Schleupner

March 20, 2024


Prayers – 2

A Prayer of Faith


Dear Friends,

In our Catholic treasury of prayers, we have had what is called an Act of Faith. This is not a profession of faith, as we recite at Mass. Rather, it is a simple prayer to God expressing our faith. What follows here is an attempt at a contemporary Prayer of Faith.   


Prayer of Faith


Gracious God,

I believe that you are beyond us. 

You transcend this world.

You are our creator.

You have brought into being all that is and

you continue to hold in being 

everyone and everything that is. 

I praise you as our heavenly Parent.

You are God the Father.


Loving God, 

I also believe that you are alongside us.

In fact, you have become one of us.

You have taken on our humanity

in the birth of Jesus 

who was born of Mary.  

And now, you, Jesus,

are our life because you are Emmanuel, God-with-us.

You are also our truth 

because you are our way to the Father. 

You suffered and died on the cross

out of complete faithfulness to your mission 

and out of complete love for us. 

And then, wondrously, amazingly, 

you rose from the dead.

I praise you as our savior.

You are God the Son.


Finally, good God,

I believe that you are within us.

You are within those who are baptized 

and part of the community of believers 

that we call the Church.

But you must also be within all persons

or else they would not even exist. 

You enlighten and inspire 

and guide us in everyday life.

You sustain us in the hope of resurrection.

You, God within us,

are the constant presence of God 

who is also beyond us and alongside us.

You are God the Holy Spirit. 


This, loving God,

is the core of my faith.

Help me to stay with this

and keep growing in this all the days of my life.

May glory be to you,

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,

now and forever. Amen.     


Fr. Michael Schleupner


 March 27, 2024


Prayers – 3

A Prayer of Hope


Dear Friends,

In our Catholic treasury of prayers, we have had what is called an Act of Hope. This is a simple prayer that places our hope in God. What follows here is an attempt at a contemporary Prayer of Hope.    


Prayer of Hope


Gracious God,

I place my hope in you.

But this is not always easy for me.


I see so many problems in our world,

like war and poverty and prejudice.

And at times I feel anxious about my health 

or the health of my loved ones,

and I feel worried about the future. 


But still, good God,

I choose to hope in you.

My hope is not just optimism

because I know that things will not always 

turn out the way I want.


Instead, my hope is believing that you, 

my God, are with us.

After all, you, Jesus, promised us 

that you will be with us always.

You will remain with us

no matter what we are going through. 

I also hope in you because you, 

Jesus, tell us that if God takes care

of the grass in the fields,

will he not also take care of us?


Most of all, I place my hope in you,

my God,

because of what we call the paschal mystery.

This is a mystery – I don’t fully understand it

but I believe it.

It is the mystery that dying leads to new life.

Again, you, Jesus, use the example of a grain of wheat

being buried in the soil.

If it dies, dies to itself, the result is 

a sprout and eventually wheat.

New life.

So, I believe that my sufferings

and losses and failures 

can all lead in some way to life, new life.

And I believe that this will even happen

when I die to my body.


So, with all of that,

I hope in you, my God.

Sustain my hope through all my days.

Strengthen my hope when I waver.

I place my trust in you,

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.



Fr. Michael Schleupner


 April 3, 2024


Prayers – 4

A Prayer of Love


Dear Friends,

In our Catholic treasury of prayers, we have had what is called an Act of Love. This is a simple prayer that expresses our love for God. What follows here is an attempt at a contemporary Prayer of Love.    


Prayer of Love


Gracious God,

Jesus tells us that the first and greatest commandment is this:

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart,

with all your soul, and with all your mind” (Matthew 22:”37). 


Loving God, 

there are people in my life whom I love.

I am blessed with family and friends

whom I love and to whom I can say: 

I love you.  

It feels a little different to me to say this to you.


Maybe the thing I have to remember

is that you, God, have first loved us.

“This is what love is: 

It is not that we have loved God,

but that he loved us…” (I John 4:10).

So, my love for you, God,

is really my response to your love for me.


My love consists in my making you

the center of my life.

You are the reference point for all that I say and do

and even for what I think.  

You are the mortar, the cement

that holds together all the pieces of my life.

You give me meaning and purpose.

You are my beginning and my end.


So, yes, I do love you.

I want to give of myself and my life

to you who have given so much to me.

In fact, you have given yourself to me

in Jesus.

For all of this, for your love of me,

I thank you and love you,

who are love itself.

After all, that’s what we are told:

“God is love” (I John 4:8). 

I find these words and the image of you

that this conveys to me

so very reassuring and affirming.

So, yes, I do love you and will try to love you

as you, who are love itself, have loved me,

especially in and through Jesus.       

Alleluia! Amen!



Fr. Michael Schleupner


 April 10, 2024


Prayers – 5

A Prayer or Grace before Meals

During the Easter Season


Dear Friends,

We have a traditional grace before meals. I hope we all know that. I am going to repeat that below, but then also give a grace that seems to be a good alternative for this Easter Season. This alternative is broken in parts for when more than one person is present for the meal, but it can also be prayed by one person alone.  


Traditional Grace before Meals 


Bless us, O Lord,

And these thy gifts

Which we are about to receive 

From thy bounty.

Through Christ our Lord. Amen. 


Grace before Meals During Easter Season


Leader:          “On this feast of feasts we have been brought into

                        the land overflowing with the milk of God’s Word 

                        and the honey of the Eucharist.”

All:                  “This is the holy day on which we share in the new

                        fruit of the vine and bless Christ forever.”


Optional Lord’s Prayer


Blessing:       “Praise to you, O God our father, who gives us

                        the joy to share in the rising of Christ to new life.

                        May the joy of our Paschal celebration remain

                        with us all the days of our lives, and be a lasting

                        sign of your loving presence among us.

                        Bless our daily nourishment and all those present

                        at this table. Make us aways mindful of the needs

                        of others. We ask you this through Christ, 

our Risen Lord. Amen.”


Easter Grace from Blessings of the Table by Brother Victor-Antoine d’Avila-Latourrette.     


April 17, 2024


Prayers – 6

A Prayer in a Time of Sickness         


Dear Friends,

Sometimes we want to pray for a family member, a friend, a fellow employee, a fellow parishioner – anyone who is sick. I hope the following will be a helpful prayer. We can also edit this a bit to pray for ourselves when we are dealing with an illness.     


A Prayer in a Time of Sickness 


Gracious God,

I praise you as the Creator who gives us life,

as the One who wants the fullness of life for us.

I praise you in your Son Jesus

who carefully tended those who were sick

and healed so many people.

He even brought people back to life.


I pray today for your son/daughter ______

who is sick and wants to be restored to good health.

Hear my prayer for his/her healing.

With faith in you and hope in your love,

I ask You to stir the healing powers of his/her body

which you created.

May the doctors and all health care professionals 

be wise and caring agents of your power.

May the medications and treatments 

be a healing balm and work together

with the blessed Oil of the Sick,

the sacrament that you have given us.   


Relieve the suffering of ______.

May he/she find consolation in remembering

the suffering that you, Jesus, endured

out of love for us and 

out of faithfulness to your mission.

May he/she find renewed strength 

in you, Jesus, who save us 

from the powers of death. 

May he/she be comforted,

especially in times of loneliness,

by your presence, O Holy Spirit, 

who abide and remain within each of us. 


I pray for healing and restored health for ______.

Divine Healer and Lord of Wholeness,

I and we place ourselves in your hands. 

We trust in your love.

May ­­­______be blessed 

with the affection of those who love him/her

and with your power and love,

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.




Fr. Michael Schleupner


April 24, 2024


Prayers – 7

A Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel         


Dear Friends,

What follows is a prayer to Saint Michael that I have composed. This expresses how I relate to Saint Michael today, in the twenty-first century. I hope this prayer will also be helpful to you. 


A Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel 


Saint Michael the Archangel,

lead us in the journey of life.

Help us to follow the way of Jesus

with the clarity of mind and heart

that the Scriptures portray you as having.

Guide us in Jesus’ way of love of God and of others

and in his faithfulness to his mission. 


Strong Saint Michael, 

help us to see ourselves as we are: 

with our strengths and weaknesses,

with our goodness and our sinfulness.

But protect us from those forces

that would have us look only 

at our darkness and would burden us 

with self-diminishing guilt. 

Lead us to know that we are 

both imperfect and yet beloved to Jesus,

both in need of growth and yet made worthy

by Jesus’ own word and action.


Courageous Saint Michael, 

help us to see the greed and indifference, 

the disrespect for human life and the prejudice

that can overtake our world.  

But protect us from those forces

that would have us see only darkness 

and look upon all that is different from us 

as lost or secular. 

Lead us to remember that you are everywhere,

that you are present in everyone and 

even come to us in persons and things

whom we don’t label as sacred. 


May you, Saint Michael the Archangel,

be God’s messenger

in all of this.

We remember that this is what an angel is –

an angelus in Latin, a messenger of God.

Saint Michael, help us to be open 

to new messages coming from God.

This is the prayer and request that we,

daughters and sons of God,

brothers and sisters of Jesus,

this is the heartfelt prayer that 

we bring to you today.  




Fr. Michael Schleupner


 May 1, 2024


Prayers – 8

A Prayer to Begin the Day        


Dear Friends,

When I was a child in religion class, I learned a prayer called the Morning Offering. It was a way to begin and offer the day to God. That instilled a good habit in me. What follows is the Morning Prayer that I have been using for about the last twenty years. Maybe you will find it helpful and like it as much as I do. 


A Prayer to Begin the Day 


“God, my friend,

I offer you this day.

Let all my prayer, work, joy, suffering today

join with the lives offered to you  

by the whole People of God

and especially with our great Eucharist,


Your Son and our Brother.

Let your Spirit be with me today,

especially in …         

And I ask your loving concern today,

especially for my friend…

Remind me, through the day, that I am not alone.



From Daily Prayers for Busy People by Father William J. O’Malley, S.J.


Note 1: When asking for the Spirit, here mention times when you will need the light or enlightenment of the Spirit in a special way this day.

                        Note 2: When asking God’s concern for a friend, here name a family member, a friend, or anyone who especially needs God’s help this day.


Fr. Michael Schleupner

May 8, 2024


Prayers – 9

A Prayer to Mary        


Dear Friends,

We are coming toward the end of the Easter Season, but there is a special prayer to Mary for these weeks. It is called the Regina Coeli – the Latin words for Queen of Heaven. This prayer honors Mary in the Resurrection of her son, Jesus. It is to be prayed from Easter Sunday and through Pentecost, which is the conclusion of the Easter Season. The Regina Coeli replaces the Angelus, another Marian prayer that is used throughout the rest of the liturgical year. While the origins of this prayer are unclear, its use does seem to date back to the twelfth century in Rome. 


A Prayer to Mary


L.         Queen of Heaven, rejoice, alleluia.

R.        For He whom you did merit to bear, alleluia.

L.         Has risen, as he said, alleluia.

R.        Pray for us to God, alleluia.

L.         Rejoice and be glad, O Virgin Mary, alleluia.

R.        For the Lord has truly risen, alleluia.

L.         Let us pray.

R.        O God, who gave joy to the world through the resurrection of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, grant we beseech You, that through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, His Mother, we may obtain the joys of everlasting

life. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. 


Notice that the prayer is structured to be said in a responsory style, with a Leader (L) speaking certain verses and all others speaking the response (R). However, one can pray this alone and simply offer all verses and responses, including the conclusion.   



Fr. Michael Schleupner


 May 15, 2024


Prayers – 10

A Prayer to End the Day       


Dear Friends,

Some kind of evening or night prayer is a valuable way to bring our day to a close. We end the day entrusting ourselves to God, much as we begin the day offering ourselves and our time to God. What follows is a brief and simple possibility. Maybe you will find it helpful. 


A Prayer to End the Day 


“Holy Friend,

accept this day as the best I could return

for what you’ve given me. 

Forgive my slips along the way, 

and remind me to begin to heal them tomorrow. 

Till then, let me leave the world awhile to you,

in peace, to sleep, to heal myself, 

and to wake to serve you yet again.




From Daily Prayers for Busy People by Father William J. O’Malley, S.J.


Fr. Michael Schleupner


May 22, 2024


Prayers – 11

A Prayer of Lazarus      


Dear Friends,

In each of our lives, there will be down times. There will be times of disappointment, discouragement, sadness, loss, grief, possibly even depression. Maybe the following prayer will be helpful in these moments. 


A Prayer of Lazarus 


God, our heavenly Parent,

bring to life our faith in you

as the author of life.

Bring to life our hope in your Son,

Jesus, the Christ, 

the living and risen One.

Bring to life our reliance on the Spirit,

you, your presence within us,

guiding, inspiring, and enlightening us. 

Bring to life our love 

for you and for all your 

daughters and sons on this earth.

We pray that you do for us 

what you did for your friend Lazarus

when you called him forth from his grave. 

Call us forth from the experiences 

of darkness that we can have at times. 

Draw us out of these graves 

to rise to fuller life with you.

In our need and with faithful trust, 

we lift up these intentions to you,

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 



Fr. Michael Schleupner

May 29, 2024


Prayers – 12

A Prayer of Thanks      


Dear Friends,

Many of our great Christian spiritual mentors, like Saint Ignatius of Loyola and Saint Francis de Sales, have emphasized the importance of a prayer of thankfulness. Many of these spiritual mentors recommend that we begin each day with a prayer of thanks. The reason is clear: giving thanks needs to be paramount in our relationship with God. Given that, I share the following prayer. 


A Prayer of Thanks 


“O Divine Gift-giver,

I stand beneath the endless waterfall

of your abundant gifts to me.

I thank you especially for the blessing of life,

the most precious of all your gifts to me.

I thank you, Ever-generous One,

for clothing to wear,

for food and drink to nourish my body,

for all the talents and skills

that you have bestowed upon me.

I thank you for the many joys of my life,

for family and friends, 

for work that gives to me a sense of purpose

and invests my life with meaning.

I thank you as well

for the sufferings and trials of my life  

which are also gifts 

and which together with my mistakes

are among my most important teachers.


Grant that I may never greet a new day

without the awareness of some gift

for which to give you thanks.

And may constant thanksgiving

be my song of perpetual praise to you.” 


From Prayers for a Planetary Pilgrim by Father Edward Hays.


Fr. Michael Schleupner