Thursday, May 21, 2020

Inbox Inspiration: May 20, 2020: Living Through This - 9

Living Through This – 9   

Dear Friends,
In this coronavirus pandemic, it is natural to take care of ourselves.
It is natural to protect myself and my family and my other loved ones.
In a larger circle, it is natural to think of my school and my workplace.
And in an even larger circle, it is natural to focus on my community and my country.
I think all of the above is human and understandable at this moment.
However, what keeps nagging at me these days is that we cannot in the long run limit our care and concern.
We cannot in the long run erect barriers and boundaries that exclude others, any others from our span of empathy and care.
I often think of the word “catholic” in our Profession of Faith.
We believe in “one, holy, catholic and apostolic church.”
Notice: the word “catholic” is spelled with a small “c.”
It is not a capital “C” which would mean the Catholic Church as distinct from other Christian denominations or faith communities.
It is a small “c” which means universal or global.
So, our faith is to have a universal scope – a span of concern for all of humanity.
We believe in a global mindset.
My point is that one of the take-away lessons from this pandemic is that we are a global community.
This virus, in a way we would never want, is reminding us of this lesson.
We as Christians and as Catholic Christians are to embrace and promote this global understanding and concern.
All peoples are brothers and sisters to us, daughters and sons of God. 
May we emerge from the deaths and sickness and financial losses of this pandemic rededicated to this global vision in a way that will foster oneness and goodwill and peace among all.

May the peace and hope of the risen Christ be with us! Amen.
Father Michael Schleupner

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