Saturday, April 11, 2020

Inbox Inspiration: April 10, 2020: Special - 7 A Prayer for Those Who Have Died

Special – 7
A Prayer for Those Who Have Died  


Lord Jesus,
today we celebrate Good Friday.
Maybe that sounds strange – that we “celebrate” your death.
But, Lord Jesus, we do “celebrate” your dying for two reasons:
it was such a complete giving of yourself out of love for us, and
it led to new life, your resurrection, and the promise of ours.
So, we call the day of your dying “Good” Friday, and we celebrate it.
This year, we also remember the 90,000+ persons in our world,
including 15,000+ Americans who have died from the coronavirus.
We lift them up to you, O God of life.
We are grateful for their presence among us and all the good they did,
for their giftedness and their gifts to their families and our human community.
I especially remember (name someone you know who has died of the virus).
I feel sadness, loss and grief,
but I also place my trust in you, O God of love.
To all who have lost their lives in this pandemic,
bring your divine healing, and grant whatever is needed for them
to enter your eternal friendship and life.
May they be fully in peace with you.
May they experience joy in the resurrection that you have opened to us.
“Saints of God, come to their aid!
Hasten to meet them, angels of the Lord.
May Christ, who called them, take them to himself;
may angels lead them to the bosom of Abraham.
Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them.”
(From the Order of Christian Funerals) 

Father Michael Schleupner

In addition to the usual Wednesday edition, I began these Special Inbox Inspirations on Fridays and Sundays when the Coronavirus Crisis began. On Fridays, there is a prayer related to the crisis and on Sundays, a reflection on the Sunday gospel. I hope these are helpful. 

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