Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Inbox Inspiration: April 12, 2020: Special - 8 Easter Sunday

Special – 8
Easter Sunday 

Gospel: Matthew 28:1-10   

In many of the gospel passages about Jesus’ resurrection or resurrection appearances, we are told that the disciples are afraid.
And repeatedly, an angel or Jesus himself says: “Do not be afraid.”
On this Easter Sunday, we, like those first disciples, might be attentive to these words.
First, do not be afraid to believe.
Believe that the continual yearning deep within us for something more doesn’t just relate to more stuff – like a new iPhone or more money or whatever.
Instead, believe that this yearning has been planted within us by our Creator and leads us to God who will really satisfy this desire for something more.
And then, do not be afraid to hope.
Dare to hope in the mystery of dying to self – as when I apologize to someone – a dying that leads to new life for me and the relationship.
Dare to hope that life in the end wins out over death.
And finally, do not be afraid to love.
Be willing to love by giving of time and self to family and friends.
Be willing to love by letting go of some preferences or comforts to help someone who is in need, even if I don’t know them.
So, “Do not be afraid” is a core Easter message.
Do not be afraid to believe, to hope, and to love.
If we heed this, we may still have fears and anxieties, but they will not consume us.
Instead, we will experience a different quality of life – a fullness that will make resurrection feel very real and almost natural.
Maybe, this Easter, in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic and economic crisis, we need this message more than ever: “Do not be afraid.”   

Father Michael Schleupner

In addition to the usual Wednesday edition, I began these Special Inbox Inspirations on Fridays and Sundays when the Coronavirus Crisis began. On Fridays, there is a prayer related to the crisis and on Sundays, a reflection on the Sunday gospel. I hope these are helpful. 

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